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How to™Copyright policy:

In general the majority of text, images and design elements are owned and Copyright © by us. When ASKED we generally share willing with others providing credit and a link are provided. Some of our materials may not be available, or only available at a fee. Many of our images are available at higher resolution which is suitable for print media. The best thing to do is ask if you are interested in using something found here on another site or in other media. If you would like to contact us about using something you found on our site please use the mail link below. Please have "How to Graft Copyright Issue" in the Subject of your email.

We may allow posting on our site by others through forums and similar programs. We may also have material on our site that belongs to another - we make every effort to assure that we do so with permission. Should you see something on our site that you own, posted without your permission, please contact us with the following:

Your name
Your contact information
The page the item is on
A description of the item
Your claim to copyright
A statement of what you want; removal, credit
Please have "How to Graft Copyright Issue" in the Subject of your email

We will investigate the matter and remove (or credit if requested) any item where the claim is verified. We want others to respect our rights and therefore should respect the rights of others.

How to Trademark policy:

The trademarks used belong to their respective owners and they retain all rights to said Trademarks.

How to Terms of Service (TOS)

In viewing our site you agree to our terms of service:

We may change the TOS or any other policy at will and you should read our Privacy, TOS, Copyright and other policys from time to time.

Our materials are copyright and may not be used with our permission by others.

The information presented is accurate to the best of our knowledge but we accept no responsibility or liability for its use. Horticulture and grafting in particular, are not exact sciences and what works for one person may not work for another. One of the purposes of this site is to make available information from diverse sources where the practices, climate and other factors all may influence plant growth.

If any service is provided where users can upload comments or images you agree that you will upload only such materials that you have the right to upload and that they will be on the subject of the web site. Uploading of materials gives us the right to use them (how else could we display them?).

Our goal is to be child safe and child friendly. While the primary responsibility for a minor's safety on the Internet belongs to the minor's parent or guardian — we want the materials here to be acceptable to the majority. Please remember this when uploading images or text.

Providing us with your contact information gives us the right to contact you. We do not sell or trade the information we collect.

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